


中购联 2022-07-03 12:58 8.5w阅读



Projects' News


尽管疫情仍未结束,美国洛杉矶比弗利山庄的罗迪欧大道Rodeo Drive的翻修工程已于几个月前重新动工。罗迪欧大道是全球最昂贵的商业街之一,商铺每月平均租金在4万至8万美元之间,疫情前吸引了多个奢侈品牌先后投入巨额资金购买该大道上的门店。其中Chanel在2015年以1.52亿美元的价格买下罗迪欧大道上两座三层建筑,相当于13217美元每平方英尺。

01|Los Angeles’ shopping shrine Rodeo Drive has been transformed and upgraded

Renovation work on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, restarted a few months ago, although the epidemic is still not over. 

Rodeo Drive is one of the most expensive shopping streets in the world, with average rents between $40,000 and $80,000 a month, and has attracted luxury brands to invest huge sums of money to buy stores on the avenue before the epidemic. Chanel paid $152 million for two three-story buildings on Rodeo Drive in 2015, or $13,217 per square foot.

02|新加坡i12 Katong购物中心重新开业

6月23日,新加坡i12 Katong历时两年的翻新工程正式结束,以“办公联动科技驱动”的全新零售概念隆重开幕。


项目中最大的亮点是全自动化店面Bistro Bytes,顾客可以在这里混合和搭配来自各种餐饮供应商的食物,随后可以在从自动储物柜中取餐。

该商场的所有者吉宝置业(Keppel Land)声称Bistro Bytes将提高租户的生产力和销售效率,以及快速推出新品牌和食品的创新力,以适应快速变化的消费者偏好。

02|Shopping mall i12 Katong reopened in Singapore

The two-year renovation of i12 Katong, a shopping mall in Singapore, concluded on 23 June, with the grand opening of co-working spaces and tech-driven retail concepts.

More than 150 retailers will gradually open in the mall, with more than 80% of the tenants being newcomers.

Bistro Bytes, a fully automated storefront where customers can mix and match meals from a variety of F&B providers, is one of the biggest features and innovations. Customers may pick up their food from automated lockers.

The mall’s owners, Keppel Land, developed the Bistro Bytes technology, claim that it will give tenants more productivity and sales efficiency as well as the flexibility to quickly launch new brands and food items to match quickly shifting consumer preferences.





03|Sunway Carnival Mall expands its Northern footprint in Penang

Sunway Carnival Mall has started soft opening in the Northern region on 24 June. The launch came with a committed occupancy of 95% and more to come in its official launch targeted in H2 of 2022.

Since the start of the expansion and refurbishment in 2018, Sunway Carnival has doubled its retail space to 1 million square feet, with an anticipated annual footfall to reach 12 million by year end.

The MYR 500 million (USD 113.5 million) expansion now accommodates a total of 350 shops and 3,200 parking bays.


日本潮流百货BEAMS日前宣布推出全新项目“FUTURE ARCHIVE”,与15个品牌签署合作伙伴关系,由年轻买手Akira Lizuka挑选来自Red Wing、Dickies、Calvin Klein、PWA、DAIRIKU x SSZ等品牌的定制单品,以现代角度重新诠释美国休闲装、褪色运动衫、牛仔布和 T 恤等,以响应复古风潮。

04|BEAMS launches new project “FUTURE ARCHIVE”

Trendy Japanese department store BEAMS announced the new “FUTURE ARCHIVE” partnership with 15 brands from Red Wing, Dickies, Calvin Klein, PWA, DAIRIKU X SSZ and others were selected by young buyer Akira Lizuka to reflect the vintage trend with a modern reinterpretation of American casual wear, faded sweatshirts, denim and T-shirts.


大阪环球影城的期间限定活动“海贼王 激情夏日2022”于7月1日至10月2日举行,纪念《海贼王》系列连载25周年。届时将推出全新故事的过山车体验、限定餐厅美食、现场表演等。

05|Universal Studios Osaka launches limited activities for One Piece in July

Universal Studios Osaka's limited-duration event "One Piece Passion Summer 2022" is held from 1 July to 2 October to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the series. There will be roller-coaster experiences with new stories, limited restaurant cuisine, live performances and more.


Brands' News


Mango计划通过开设多家门店和增加一个青少年部门来扩大旗下Mango Kids业务。据悉,与2019年同期相比,Mango Kids去年的销售额同比大涨60%,预计今年的销售额将达到2亿欧元以上。Mango计划在今年年底前在全球范围内新增至少40家Mango Kids新店,使其门店总数达到450家。

01|Mango to expand its children's wearing business by opening new stores

Mango plans to expand its Mango Kids business by opening stores and adding a youth division. Sales of Mango Kids jumped 60% last year compared to the same period in 2019 and are expected to reach more than €200 million this year. Mango plans to add at least 40 new Mango Kids stores worldwide by the end of the year, taking its total to 450.

02|彩妆品牌Too Faced天猫海外旗舰店将关店

Too Faced天猫官方海外旗舰店日前发布公告称,店铺将于8月结束运营,6月28日起不再接收新订单,已下单的货品将按计划送达,会员服务和积分兑换将持续开放至7月27日。目前该店内产品已全部清空。

Too Faced天猫海外旗舰店客服表示,此次渠道调整不会影响Too Faced对中国市场的长期策略。

02|Beauty brand Too Faced will close its Tmall overseas flagship store

The official overseas flagship store of Too Faced said it will close its operation in August and no new orders will be received from 28 June. Goods already placed will be delivered as planned, and membership services and redemption points will remain open until 27 July. The store is now completely empty of products.

The customer service of Too Faced overseas flagship store on Tmall said the adjustment will not affect Too Faced's long-term strategy in the Chinese market.


意大利奢侈品牌Gucci日前宣布将推出Gucci宠物猫狗系列,该系列将Gucci经典元素,注入宠物配件、服装和家居用品等。值得注意的是,与Gucci对可持续发展的承诺相一致,该宠物系列主要材料来自可再生和生物基资源。据悉,包括Saint Laurent、Thom Browne、Versace和Prada等奢侈品牌均已入局宠物行业。

03|Gucci launches a pet collection

The Italian luxury brand Gucci has announced the launch of its Dog and Cat collection, which infuses classic Gucci elements with pet accessories, clothing and home furnishings. Notably, in line with Gucci's commitment to sustainability, the pet collection is primarily made from renewable and bio-based sources. Luxury brands including Saint Laurent, Thom Browne, Versace and Prada are known to have entered the pet business.




04|Lego to raise price by 5%-25% in the global market

Earlier this month, Lego Group said in a statement that due to the cost of raw material, the energy, logistics continued to rise in the past two years, it will raise the price of some products from August to September. The "Ferrari", "Tree house", "Typewriter" and the set of popularity may raise prices by 5% to 25%.

The price changes will take effect on 1 August in China, the US, Canada and Asia Pacific, and 1 September in Western Europe, Russia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

05|Jimmy Choo将与《美少女战士》合作

英国奢侈鞋履品牌Jimmy Choo日前宣布将与日本漫画《美少女战士》合作,在美少女战士水手月亮博物馆中首次公开Jimmy Choo设计的水晶鞋,以庆祝《美少女战士》连载30周年,并在日本限定发售。

05|Jimmy Choo is teaming up with Sailor Moon

British luxury shoe brand Jimmy Choo has announced a collaboration with The Japanese manga series Sailor Moon to debut Jimmy Choo's glass slipper at the Sailor Moon Museum to celebrate the series' 30th anniversary, with a limited release in Japan.



06|Esprit plans to return to the US and Asia

Esprit is re-entering major markets in the US and Asia in H2 of 2022 through a hiring spree and has renewed its lease for two years at China United Centre, where Esprit occupied floors 12, 13, 27 and 29 before.



07|H&M responds to closing its first Store in China

Swedish fast fashion brand H&M has responded to the closure of its flagship store on Huaihai Middle Road in Shanghai, saying it will reopen after the move and has been optimizing its store. It is worth noting that H&M Shanghai Huaihai Middle Road store is its first store in China, which has been open for 15 years. H&M closed more than 40 stores in China in Q1 of this year, according to the company's financial results.

Industrial New




01|Sasa lost HK $343.7 million last year

Sasa International's full-year results for the year ended 31 March 2022 showed a 12.1% y-o-y increase in turnover to HK $3.413 billion and a narrower loss for the year to HK $343.7 million. Retail sales in Hong Kong and Macao SAR increased by 12.6% to HK $2.161 billion for the year, down by 69.2% compared with the fiscal year 2018/19.

At the end of March this year, the total number of retail stores was 234, an increase of 2 y-o-y.



02|Nike's revenue in the Greater China plunged 19% in its fiscal Q4

In its fiscal Q4 ended 31 May, Nike reported revenue fell nearly 1% from a year earlier to $12.23 billion. By region, total revenue in North America, Nike's largest market, fell 5% y-o-y to $5.11 billion, mainly due to higher shipping and logistics costs; Revenue in the Greater China fell 19% from a year earlier to $1.56 billion.



03|L 'Occitane's fiscal year 2022 net profit reached a new high

L 'Occitane announced its annual results for the fiscal year 2022, reporting a 15.8% y-o-y increase in sales to €1.8 billion, a 43.3% increase in operating profit to €310 million and a 57.5% increase in net profit to €240 million for the year ended March 2022. China became l 'Occitane's main growth engine during the reporting period, with revenue growth of 16.8% in China in the fiscal Q4.


波士顿咨询集团和Comité Colbert联合对40名奢侈品公司高管以及法国、德国、英国、意大利、西班牙、瑞士和美国的2000名奢侈品客户和非客户进行的研究也发现,65%的消费者在作出购买决定时会考虑公司对可持续发展的承诺,多达80%的受访者认为公司对产品的整个生命周期负有责任,而不仅仅是生产和销售。

04|Consumers are increasingly concerned about sustainable development

Boston Consulting Group cooperated with Comité Colbert to study of 40 luxury executives and 2,000 luxury customers and non-customers in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and the US. And they found that 65% consumers consider a company's commitment to sustainability when making a purchase decision, and as many as 80% respondents believe a company is responsible for the entire life cycle of a product, not just production and sales.



05|Vietnam's GDP grew nearly 8% y-o-y in Q2

Vietnam's gross domestic product growth accelerated to 7.72% in Q2, up from a revised 5.05% in Q1 and above a median forecast of 5.9%, according to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics. There is also data showed Vietnam's consumer price index rose 3.37% in June from a year earlier. Notably, beyond the challenging Chinese market, Vietnam is emerging as a new destination for luxury brands in Asia.



06|Personal luxury spending in the Gulf countries approached $10 billion in 2021

Middle Eastern luxury retailer Chalhoub Group, in collaboration with the Fashion Council of the Ministry of Culture of Saudi Arabia, released a research report on personal luxury consumption in the Gulf countries, providing an in-depth analysis of the current situation of the personal luxury market in the Gulf region. 

According to the report, individual luxury goods sales reached $9.75 billion in 2021, 23% higher than in 2019, with luxury fashion being the main growth driver, led by the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which accounted for 49%.


Investment and Financing


生物技术公司Evolution by Nature日前宣布已完成高达1.2亿美的C轮融资,这也是这家公司迄今获得的最大一笔融资。本轮融资由Teachers’Venture Growth和Senator Investment Group参与领投。据悉,早在2019年的时候,奢侈品公司Chanel(香奈儿)就收购了Evolved by Nature 的少数股权,作为其开发可持续材料战略的一部分。

01|A biotechnology company invested by Chanel completed a $120 million financing

Evolution by Nature, a biotechnology company, has announced that it has raised $120 million in series C funding, the company's largest to date. The round was led by Teachers' Venture Growth and Senator Investment Group. As early as 2019, luxury company Chanel acquired a minority stake in Evolved by Nature as part of its strategy to develop sustainable materials.


由于中国山东如意集团无法按时偿还一笔4亿美元的贷款,集团旗下的美国纤维制造商Lycra莱卡集团已正式被债权人接手。新的所有者包括中国光大有限公司、Tor Investment Management和韩国私募股权公司Lindeman Partners及其附属公司Lindeman Asia,这也意味着如意集团正式失去莱卡集团的控制权。

02|Shandong Ruyi lost ownership of Laika

The US fibre maker Lycra owned by China's Shandong Ruyi Group, has been formally taken over by creditors after Ruyi group failed to repay a $400 million loan on time. The new owners include China Everbright Group, Tor Investment Management and Lindeman Partners and its affiliate Lindeman Asia, which means Ruyi group officially lost control of Laika group.








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