


中购联 2021-04-25 12:09 8.2w阅读

【第72期| 4月19-25日】


Projects' News



这枚重达10公斤的稀世彩是著名珠宝品牌Fabergé为纪念俄国传奇珠宝匠Peter Carl Fabergé逝世100周年创作的艺术珍品,由18K黄金纯手工打造,价值非凡。这枚彩蛋由哈罗德百货定制,经过Fabergé公司多方协调,特地从哈罗德百货借出被提前护送到海南,并将在消博会上作出全球首发展出。

1、Harrods’ customized precious jewelry will be launched in China International Consumer Products Expo

Fabergé, which were due to go on display at Harrods on 17 May, have been shipped from London to Haikou, Hainan province, China for its debut at China International Consumer Products Expo, which will open on 7 May.

The 10 kg rare piece of gold was created by Fabergé to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of legendary Russian jeweler Peter Carl Faberge. It is handmade in 18K gold and is priceless. Fabergé was escorted to Hainan ahead of time from Harrods under several negotiation. And it will be exhibited for the first time at China International Consumer Products Expo.
2、巴黎La Samaritaine今年夏天开始逐步开放

巴黎地标性百货品牌La Samaritaine(莎玛丽丹百货公司)近日已明确开业日期。这家百货公司于2001年被 LVMH 集团收购,原定在关闭15年后于2020年4月重新开业。受疫情影响未能按计划执行,LVMH集团董事总经理Antonio Belloni表示,La Samaritaine将从今年夏天开始逐步开放。

2、La Samaritaine in Paris began operation gradually from this summer

Paris landmark department La Samaritaine has set the opening date. The department store, which was acquired by LVMH in 2001, was due to reopen in April 2020 after a 15-year closure. Antonio Belloni, manager director of LVMH, says La Samaritaine will open gradually from this summer as it was influenced by the COVID-19.

坐落于日本东京的迪士尼乐园与海洋公园每年都会吸引一大批游客前往体验最纯真的快乐,近日这座城市将再次建造一座乐园——世界首个哥斯拉主题公园将于5月 19日正式揭开神秘面纱。虽然有关具体信息官方尚未透露,但根据目前的消息得知,该乐园将还原影中颇多经典场景,并提供一系列刺激的游玩项目。

3、The world's first Godzilla themed park set to open in Tokyo

Tokyo Disneyland and Ocean Park draw tons of visitors every year, while Tokyo is about to add another wonderland - the world's first Godzilla themed park. The new park will open on 19 May. Official details are still not being disclosed, while according to current sources, the park will bring back many of the classic scenes from the film and offer a range of exciting activities.





4、Disneyland in California will reopen on 30 April after closing more than 400 days

Walt Disney Resort in Anaheim, California (DIS.N), including Disneyland and Disney California Adventure Park, will reopen on 30 April as a result of restrictions being lifted in California.

Disneyland in California has been closed for more than 400 days since the COVID-19 , making it the last resort to reopen in the world.

宜家母公司Ingka集团已同意从Solar Systems LLC手中收购俄罗斯八个太阳能公园49%的股份,总账面价值超过210亿卢布(合2.7216亿美元),这标志着该公司在俄罗斯的第一笔可再生能源投资。


5、IKEA has completed its first renewable energy investment in Russia, with a total investment of $270 million

IKEA parent company Ingka Group has agreed to buy a 49% stake in eight solar parks in Russia from Solar Systems LLC with a total value of more than ₽21 billion ($272.16 million), marking the company's first renewable energy investment in Russia.

IKEA's goal is to be climate-positive by 2030 from the production of raw materials to the disposal of furniture by customers. To help achieve this goal, Ingka Group hopes to accelerate its investment in renewable energy, particularly focusing on Russia and China.



6、Hong Kong Tsuen Wan Promenade Phase I completed

Hong Kong's Tsuen Wan Promenade has officially opened to the public. The main purpose of the project is to revitalise a 700m long footpath into a leisure space, which is opposite to Hoi On Road. Apart from introducing the first unrailed waterfront design, the project also collaborates with local cultural and creative company Cat Room to create a unique "Victoria Harbour Happy Village".

The new environmentally friendly wooden railings, seating features and shade shelters are designed to reference the history of the textile industry in Tsuen Wan. It is ideal destination to hang out with friends to enjoy the waterfront views. The project will stay open until 11 October.


7、巴西最大百货公司Lojas Renner计划发行约8亿美元股票,或用于潜在并购

近日消息,巴西最大百货公司Lojas Renner正准备发行约45亿雷亚尔(8.06亿美元)的股票。据了解,该公司准备将所得款项用于其发展计划及潜在并购。

另据知情人士透露,此次发行将由Itau BBA、BTGPactual、摩根士丹利、摩根大通和桑坦德银行负责。

7、Brazil's largest department store Lojas Renner plans to issue about $800 million in shares, which could be used for potential acquisition

Brazil's biggest department store Lojas Renner is preparing to issue around 4.5 billion reais ($806 million) of shares. It is reported that the company intends to use the proceeds for its development plans and potential acquisitions.

Itau BBA, BTGPactual, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase and Santander will be responsible for the offering, according to information.



8、Japan's first flower and light themed fantasy park has officially opened

Haustenburg, the most iconic theme park in Nagasaki, Kyushu, Japan, has delayed its opening until recently due to the epidemic when its construction was completed last year. It is the first flower themed fantasy city, combining the themes of "flowers and light" and "natural science" with high-end audio and video technology to create a moving space full of healing feeling.

The project opens seven facilities such as "Universe, Flowers, Music, Ocean, Sports, Art and Dome of Light Cocoon" at the same time. It will host "Million Tulip Festival" and "Flower Festival" so that every visitor can enjoy the beautiful season of flowers’ blossoming.


梅西百货董事长兼首席执行官杰夫·根内特(Jeff Gennette)在摩根大通第七届年度零售总结大会上表示,该公司计划在今年开设45个Backstage店中店。此外,梅西百货还指出政府的刺激措施和疫苗接种率的提高正在推动消费者回归。

9、Macy's promotes the new store-in-store plan

Well-known US department chain store Macy's is expanding its store-in-store plan - Backstage.

Jeff Gennette, the company's chairman and chief executive, stated the plan to open 45 Backstage stores this year at JPMorgan Chase's seventh annual retail review conference. In addition, Macy's noted that government incentives and improved vaccination rates are driving consumers back.


Brands' News

1、Tory Burch推出中国电商官网

美国时装品牌Tory Burch正式推出中国电商官网,在线上发售服装、包袋、配饰等各类产品,以延续品牌的数字化战略。

为庆祝中国官网的上线,品牌特别推出由国际超模刘雯演绎的T Monogram单肩包。有分析表示,全新官网进一步巩固了Tory Burch在中国的零售业务,同时也拉近了品牌与新一代消费者之间的距离。

1、Tory Burch launches China e-commerce website

US fashion brand Tory Burch has launched an e-commerce website in China, selling clothes, bags, accessories and other products online to continue the brand's digital strategy.

To celebrate the launch of the China website, the brand launched a T Monogram shoulder bag featured by international supermodel Liu Wen. According to some analysts, the new official website further consolidates its business in China and bring it closer to the new consumer group.


2、MINISO has opened its first store in Italy

MINISO has recently opened its first store in Rome, Italy. On the opening day, from Italian local populars to nearby residents, to young people who have been loyal to MINISO since their school days, were all at the long lines formed at the entrance of the store, and the business was fantastic.
3、美国人气汉堡品牌Five Guys将在上海开设内地首店

美国连锁汉堡品牌Five Guys(五兄弟)将落户上海开出中国内地首店,选址于上海淮海路巴黎春天1楼位置,对面是环贸iapm,有消息称该店预计4月底或5月初开业。

3、Popular US burger brand Five Guys will open its first store in Shanghai in the mainland of China

US burger chain store Five Guys is set to open its first store in Shanghai in the mainland of China. The location will be on the 1st floor of Pinault Printemps Redoute on Huaihai Road, where the opposite is iapm mall. Sources say the newly store is expected to open in late April or early May.

日前可口可乐CEO James Quincey在接受对话时表示,公司接下来计划对部分饮料的价格进行上调,以应对成本上涨的影响。可口可乐此前已经通过裁员和其他成本缩减来保持营收稳定,但面对疫情带来的深远影响,所以CEO表示需要进行涨价、调整尺寸包装等行动实现市场最优化。
4、The CEO of Coca-Cola announced the price raising on part drinks

Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey said in an interview that the company plans to raise the price of part drinks in the coming years to cope with rising costs. The company has tried to stabilize revenues by cutting jobs and other costs, but the CEO said it needed to raise prices, resize packaging and optimize the market because of the far-reaching impact of the COVID-19.


该项目由LVMH与法国佩艾德公司PRD Group和上海军健公司三方携手建设,总用地面积为135亩,预计总投资额近10亿元人民币,项目建设期预计为18个月,计划于2022年底投产运营。

5、LVMH will spend RMB 1 billion to build the largest cosmetics e-commerce distribution base in the Asia Pacific region in Shanghai

According to the financial media center of Minhang District of Shanghai, the world's largest luxury group LVMH will open the Asia Pacific region's largest cosmetics sales and warehousing operation platform in Xhenzhuang Industrial Zone of Minhang District of Shanghai, as the group's brand packaging sorting sales base of cosmetics and perfume products e-commerce business.

The project is jointly constructed by LVMH, PRD Group and Shanghai Junjian company, with a total land area of 90000 sqm and an estimated total investment of nearly RMB 1 billion. The construction period of the project is expected to be 18 months, and it is planned to be put into operation by the end of 2022.


6、Amazon opens first hairdressing salon

Amazon, the e-commerce giant, opened its first hair salon in London on 22 April, which will become a test bed for new technologies such as augmented reality(AR).

The salon not only enables consumers to experience various virtual hairstyles and colors through AR technology, but also allows customers to place orders and deliver them to their home by scanning the QR code of goods. At present, the salon is only open to internal staff, and reservation will be open to the public after further improvement.



7、SWAROVSKI launches new sustainable development plan

Crystal brand SWAROVSKI recently released a new sustainable development plan, which took effect on 22 April.

The plan defines six key commitments of the brand, including greenhouse gas emissions, environmental protection materials, empowerment and training of this issue, waste and circular economy, promoting equality, diversity and inclusiveness, and respecting every employee. SWAROVSKI will work with SCID to demonstrate its commitment, and will write and publish a sustainable development report.


8、Paris Oreal released 2030 sustainable development project

According to the FashionNetwork news, Paris Oreal, the world's largest beauty brand, officially released the 2030 sustainable development project "our planet deserves to own" to the world for the first time on 22 April.

The goal is to reduce the carbon footprint per unit of finished products by 2030, and promise to donate EURO 10 million to the global sustainable development environment project to help women communities around the world.

Industrial New




1、The loyalty and consumption strength of consumers in third-tier and fourth-tier cities are higher than the other places

According to Mode's official data, the number of buyers has increased hugely this season, with a 153% increase compared to last October exhibition and a 40% increase in agents. Each brand received 200 positive orders from customers, of which 50% had a definite order intention.

Buyers in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai account for as much as 60%, but buyers in third-tier and fourth-tier cities are the most active, and consumers' loyalty and purchasing power are also very strong. Some third-tier and fourth-tier shop owners are local KOLs themselves, and they can directly drive consumers’ purchasing.


2、FamilyMart posted its first loss since 2016, losing 16.4 billion yen in 2020

Well-known Japanese convenience chain store FamilyMart released its financial report for 2020, which showed that the operating profit decreased by 8.5% from the previous year due to the COVID-19, with a deficit of 16.4 billion yen in the fiscal year 2020. It was FamilyMart's first financial loss since it became Japan's second-largest convenience chain store operator in 2016.



3、High-end watch market in the mainland of China reached 25.96 billion yuan

Generation Z and Millennials are expected to account for about half of global personal luxury sales by 2025, according to Global Luxury Power 2020. China high-end watch consumption research report also pointed out that young consumer groups’ interest for high-end watch is gradually rising, 70% of high-end watch consumers and more than half of the potential consumers pay more attention to the brand inner meaning.

The market size of high-end watches in the mainland of China in 2020 reached 25.96 billion yuan. Although the opening of duty-free business in China in recent years has accelerated the return of luxury consumption, some luxury brands and products are only sold in overseas, which leads the imbalance between few supply and domestic demand.


4、Hainan islands duty-free sales nearly RMB 100 billion within 10 years

As of 20 April, it has been 10 years since the island duty-free policy of Hainan was officially implemented on 20 April, 2011. During this period, the relevant policies have been adjusted several times to improve the duty-free shopping quota, shopping objects, shopping times, commodity varieties, shopping convenience, and constantly release the dividend policy.

According to the data released by the Department of Commerce of Hainan Province, since the implementation of the duty-free policy in the outlying islands of Hainan, the sales has reached nearly 100 billion yuan.


5、Le Comité Colbert launched WeChat App to attract young Chinese consumers

Recently, the Le Comité Colbert (French Federation of boutique industries) officially launched its first WeChat App "the treasure of western France" on China's WecChat platform, with six key words of "color, smell, odor, fate, world, life" as the narrative framework, providing users with an all-round and rich experience, To help Chinese consumers better understand the 66 brands and unique French life art of the Le Comité Colbert.



6、UNIQLO's parent company raises its performance forecast for fy2021

The parent company of UNIQLO, Fast Retailing group, recently said that in view of the strong sales performance of its main business in Japan and China, it will raise its performance forecast for the 2021 fiscal year up to the end of August this year. It is expected that the operating profit will rise 71% year-on-year to 255 billion yen, and the operating revenue will increase 10% to 2.21 trillion yen.

In the six months to the end of February this year, the group's revenue fell 0.5% to 1.2 trillion yen, about 71.9 billion yuan, and its net profit rose 5.4% to 105.8 billion yen.
7、Michael Kors将发布40周年大秀

据时尚商业快讯,美国轻奢品牌Michael Kors于4月20日晚,在全球同步发布Michael Kors Collection 2021秋冬系列,重现百老汇流光溢彩的黄金时代,届时品牌代言人高圆圆也将在Michael Kors官方直播间与大家一同观看。

7、Michael Kors to launch Show for 40th Anniversary

According to FashionNetwork news, Michael Kors, an American luxury brand, launched the fall/winter series of Michael Kors Collection 2021 on 20 April, reappearing the grand age of Broadway. At that time, Ms. Gao Yuanyuan, the spokesman of the brand, will watch it with you in the public live streaming room of Michael Kors.


8、Sasa International's revenue decline narrowed to 3.4% in the fourth quarter

In the three months ended 31 March, Sasa International's operating revenue fell 3.4% year-on-year to HK $819 million, which was significantly narrower than the 36.4% decline in the previous quarter, mainly due to the rebound of tourists from Macao of China and the sustained growth of business in mainland of China.

The group said that the trough after the epidemic has passed, and it will turn losses into profits as soon as possible in the future, and further enhance the ability of long-term sustainable growth.

据时尚商业快讯,尽管旗下核心品牌Gucci业绩仍未恢复疫情前水平,但开云集团第一季度整体表现超过市场预期,旗下的Bottega Veneta、Saint Laurent和Balenciaga韧性渐显,或成为集团新支柱。截至4月21日收盘,该集团股价大涨4.17%至652.2欧元,市值突破800亿至814亿欧元,创历史新高。

9、The shares of Gucci's parent company rose more than 4% and its market value exceeded EURO 80 billion

According to FashionNetwork news, although the performance of its core brand Gucci has not yet recovered to the pre epidemic level, Kering's overall performance in the first quarter exceeded market expectations, and its Bottega Veneta, Saint Laurent and Balenciaga are becoming a new pillar of the group.

As of the close of 21 April, the group's share price rose 4.17% to EURO 652.2, and its market value exceeded EURO 80 billion to EURO 81.4 billion, a new record.



10、Global consumer confidence hits the highest record since 2005

Since the COVID-19 began, global households have accumulated excess savings equivalent to 6% of global output, according to the latest estimates from ratings agency Moody's.

The extra savings of US households alone have increased by more than $2 trillion. According to the Financial Times, citing OECD data, the household savings rate in most developed countries hit its highest level since the beginning of this century in 2020. As a result, global consumer confidence in Q1 hits the highest record since 2005.



11、The annual sales of China's e-commerce market is expected to reach 19 trillion yuan in 2024

The sales revenue of China's e-commerce market will grow from 13.8 trillion yuan in 2021 to 19.6 trillion yuan in 2024, a compound annual growth rate of 12.4%, according to the latest forecast from Global Data.

According to an earlier report released by eMarketer, e-commerce sales in China are expected to increase by 17.2% this year, and will exceed physical sales for the first time. The company expects more than 52% of sales in China coming from online in 2021, increasing nearly 45% from that of 2020.

企业声望管理研究及咨询公司The RepTrak Company发布“2021全球企业声望100强”排行榜(2021 Global RepTrak 100)——在全球消费者当中具有最佳声望的企业。乐高、劳力士、法拉利名列前三位。排在前十位的还有:博世、哈雷戴维森、佳能、阿迪达斯、迪士尼、微软和索尼。

12、2021 Global Reptrak 100

Reputation management research and consulting company The RepTrak Company has released 2021 Global Reptrak 100 -- the list of companies with the best reputation among consumers around The world. Lego, Rolex and Ferrari listed the top three. Others in the top 10 were: Bosch, Harley-Davidson, Canon, Adidas, Disney, Microsoft and Sony.


Investment and Financing


日本啤酒巨头朝日集团(Asahi Group)表示,在斥资110亿美元收购百威英博的澳洲业务后,将暂停海外投资,并致力于将集团的债务削减一半。在日本,由于依赖向餐厅和酒吧销售桶装啤酒,朝日集团在新冠疫情中比竞争对手受到了更严重的打击,因为很多餐厅和酒吧在这场旷日持久的危机中陷入困境。

1、Asahi Group to suspend overseas investment

Japanese beer giant Asahi Group stated that it would suspend overseas investments and aim to cut the Group's debt in half after spending $11 billion to buy the Australian business of AB InBev. Asahi has been hit harder by the COVID-19 than its rivals because of its reliance on selling cask beer to restaurants and bars, many of which have struggled during the endless crisis.


2、I.T to be privatized and will be delisted on 30 April

It is reported that the Hong Kong multi-brand fashion retailer I.T released a statement that the privatization proposal on the special general meeting has been approved. And they expect shares on the stock exchange trading will close at 10 past 4PM on 20 April. The company has applied its shares withdrawn from the stock exchanges since 9PM on 30 April.
3、法国环保时尚品牌Atelier Unes完成40万欧元融资

法国环保时尚品牌Atelier Unes近日宣布获得一笔40万欧元融资,这笔资金将帮助品牌继续开发可回收产品。Atelier Unes由Violette Dedeban和Matthieu Jungfer于2017年创立,通常会选择将要发布的一个品类,然后在社区内发布调查问卷,详细收集消费者对于产品设计的意见,最终通过在官网预售的方式发售新品。

3、French environmental protection fashion brand Atelier UNES completed financing of Euro 400,000  

Atelier UNES, a French environmental protection fashion brand, recently announced a financing of Euro 400,000, which will help the brand continue to develop recyclable products. Atelier UNES was founded by Violette dedeban and Matthieu Jungfer in 2017.

It usually selects a category to be released, then publishes a questionnaire in the community to collect consumers' opinions on the product design in detail, and finally sells new products through pre-sale on the public website.

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