

Expect sequential improvement ahead



  Willsemi released FY24 prelim results. Rev. is expected to grow by 20.9% to22.8% YoY to the range of RMB25.4bn to RMB25.8bn, driven by a higherpenetration rate of CIS products in high-end smartphone market (smartphoneCIS: 52% of CIS revenue in 1H24) and autonomous driving (AD) tech (auto CIS:31%). Mid-point rev. was slightly below BBG consensus/our estimate by3.2%/2.6%. Net profit is expected to be between RMB3.2bn and RMB3.4bn, up468% to 504% YoY, which mgmt. attributed to market share expansion (11% ofglobal CIS market in 2023 per Yole) and improved GPM (9M24/FY23:29.6%/21.8%). Looking forward, we expect Willsemi to be a key beneficiary of 1)domestic consumer subsidy plan and 2) rapid expansion of several key markets,such as EVs (AD), edge AI (e.g. AI glasses, XR headsets), robotics (e.g. humanoid& industrial robots), etc. Maintain BUY, with TP unchanged at RMB130.

  Sustained sequential growth drives strong 2024 performance. 4Q24 midpoint revenue is expected to be RMB6.7bn, up 12.8% YoY but down 1.7%QoQ, after a record-high quarterly revenue at RMB6.8bn in 3Q24. Revenuegrew sequentially in 2Q/3Q24 by 14.2%/5.7% on the company’s 1) continuedmarket share expansion in flagship smartphone models with premiumproducts such as OV50H/OV50K40, 2) robust camera shipments as smartdriving solutions (e.g., OX08D10) expanded from premium models to massmarket vehicles, and 3) increased integration of AI-driven tech.

  CIS revenue estimated to grow 26% in 2025, driven by higher number ofcameras used in EVs/robotaxis and benefiting from China digitalproduct subsidy plan. Auto/smartphone CIS sales accounted for 24%/40%of the company’s total revenue in 1H24. We think these two segments willcontinue to be the key growth drivers, with 35%/23% revenue growth projectedfor 2025E. We see the number of sensors adopted in vehicles growingsignificantly for safety concerns. It is common to see 10+ cameras on vehicles(Alphabet-owned self-driving car company Waymo has the most with 29cameras). As for smartphone CIS, we think Willsemi will be a key beneficiaryof China’s new consumer subsidy plan, which offers 15% subsidies onsmartphones, tablets and smart wearables priced below RMB6k (~US$830)for up to RMB500. We expect the plan to stimulate demand.

  Continued growth driven by market share expansion and rising demandacross key segments. We believe the company is set for further growthdriven by market share gains and rising demand across several markets.Meanwhile, given the intensified competition, local OEMs are also looking fordomestic components/solutions, benefitting Willsemi and other Chinesenames. The stock is currently trading at RMB108.3, est. 38x 2024 P/E or 26x2025E P/E. We forecast 2025 EPS growth to exceed 40%. Maintain BUY,with TP at RMB130, corresponding to 31.7x 2025E P/E.